Thursday, January 24, 2008

just think

what if you could just blink yourself away???

for a year, a month, a day, an hour, a minute, a second.

just blink...

and post-blink,
you could return

what would your direction be post-blink...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


i tried to build a house
out of a ton of bricks
but failed
i needed to build a home
cus these bricks
were the formation
of gastric movements
a home
like the one
a child would dread
returning to
where what goes in
cant come out
unless it breaks out.
a home that felt like prison.
an alcatraz for feeling.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

a fresh thought... unfinished...

being fresh is essential...
from the state of dress
to the state of your intentions
and residence
two days into the new year
and two years removed from the day
she left you
on the boulevard
but still fresh
im on a path to freshness
99 miles away from a 100 mile diet
and moving from previously frozen
areas codes and account modes
to fresher sidewalks
and fresher thoughts
from national wide chain to
street corner market
i got targets...
for where i need to be