This afternoon i navigated my way through the heat from union station to cbc with an ultimate destination of catching a spadina streetcar northbound. From the corner of john and wellington i believe (where the cbc and metro hall meet up), looking west, one can directly see spadina off in the distance, and more importantly see the streetcars going in both directions. In the 5-10 minutes it took me to get from john to spadina, i saw about 4 streetcars going north.
4 streetcars in 10 minutes is great for transit riders, such frequency means you never have to wait (my observation doesn't account for any streetcars short-turning at King, which at least 2 of 3 spadina streetcars do) but from an efficiency standpoint, at 2pm in the day, 4 streetcars in 10 minutes is a glaring inefficiency, the car i rode in was empty from king until dundas. To be fair by the time it arrived at spadina station there was a reasonable capacity, but the two streetcars that were literally right behind me were for the most part empty.
In a city looking to cut some fat, hopefully the powers to be have put spadina on the new workout plan.
Ironically enough, this is what was on the mind of TTC officials lately.
Thinking ahead is one thing, but i'm not how to file this one.