Thursday, December 27, 2007


so my method of making money nowadays consisting of cutting, serving, learning fish.
so naturally i end up smelling like fish.
generally, i despise this part of my job.
the smell hangs, ppl relocate away from you on the subway.
my sister comments "i hope you don't ever meet people after work, without showering."

so like any other day i smelled fish, but today the smell of fish briefly took me back to childhood.
venturing with my mom to chinatown and kensington market on saturday for the weekly fish and fabric trips . fish (save for the immaculate saltfish aka salted cod) for me was on par with vegetables, i hated it as a kid, so i hated these trips.

we never had kool-aid or candy trips.
fish then. fish now. go figure.

Friday, December 21, 2007

being here

its been awhile
since a song has stood out
and stood up so poignantly
to reflect
a state
my state of mind
the song while strong
pales in your absence.

Monday, December 10, 2007

things i will do when finals are over...

- finish j. jacobs
- start r. ellison & m.e. dyson
- take in "in rainbows" & "the cool" & "jazzmoney"
- take in "no country for old men" & "american gangster" among others...
- write like its the new black
- exhale

Friday, November 2, 2007

a chicago thought... finally

we held court on halsted
an organized chaos
last call meant the first call

for a new location
a destination
but rea
lly just
an extension of the journey
into a sammy davis
state of mind
i smile
as she dances
amongst the streetlights
and we contemplate
how to kiss the skyline
and moonlight
tis a long way to ashland
from here
but time can stand still
a moment of freeze
frame worth
throwing in a picture frame
somewhere down the line
and reminisce on how
this city
like a
love long lost
was once mine

i am...

too tired to think
too lazy to create
too pissed to progress
too stressed to sigh
dealing with the continual death
of my laptop battery
is the level of my tragedy

Thursday, October 25, 2007

flashing lights (in my head and rearview)...

if somebody woulda told me a month ago
frontin’ on - yo, I wouldn’t want to know
if somebody woulda told me a year ago
it’a gon’ get this difficult...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

thoughts on spadina...

This afternoon i navigated my way through the heat from union station to cbc with an ultimate destination of catching a spadina streetcar northbound. From the corner of john and wellington i believe (where the cbc and metro hall meet up), looking west, one can directly see spadina off in the distance, and more importantly see the streetcars going in both directions. In the 5-10 minutes it took me to get from john to spadina, i saw about 4 streetcars going north.
4 streetcars in 10 minutes is great for transit riders, such frequency means you never have to wait (my observation doesn't account for any streetcars short-turning at King, which at least 2 of 3 spadina streetcars do) but from an efficiency standpoint, at 2pm in the day, 4 streetcars in 10 minutes is a glaring inefficiency, the car i rode in was empty from king until dundas. To be fair by the time it arrived at spadina station there was a reasonable capacity, but the two streetcars that were literally right behind me were for the most part empty.
In a city looking to cut some fat, hopefully the powers to be have put spadina on the new workout plan.

Ironically enough, this is what was on the mind of TTC officials lately.
Thinking ahead is one thing, but i'm not how to file this one.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

words for the moment...

a new black on white
with one black on black
discussions about
kicks and violence
seem commonplace
like common places
i find myself at
stepping back
and forth
with ipod in hand
and dreams of sand
in january
and stability
come april
in trying to make rent
and stay tasteful
in the eyes of my parents
im starting to think
of parenthood
and neighbourhoods
for raising
while i contemplate
black hood
or grey hood
to compliment
with my black on white
and black on blacks
battles of fact and fiction
interest and eviction
dedication to the diction

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

blackstar train...

what if we could send black kids to Africa on a "birthright" trip?
like jewish kids can...

sure, africa is a continent, with numerous countries and tribes.
i feel that could only work to the benefit. to witness the diversity of black people.
take in the good (and the bad) of locales such as johannesburg, abuja, addis ababa.

it could give the youth some appreciation of their current position, or it could compel them to help change the situation (africa and back home).
at the very least it would give exposure to different environment than they are used to and often cannot get out of.

i would go.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

beyond city limits...

Take me to another place, take me to another land, make me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan…

Over the past couple weeks I've had a growing desire to travel, nay, to relocate. This is partly due to continual stream of friends packing their bags and finding new places to call home. But still, before the fad of travel began the in-thing amongst my peoples, the notion of getting out of the GTA, for a period of time, was a prevalent one in my mind. Montreal was the first place in my mind that I was considering post my time at Laurier. A trip to Chicago quickly put that city near the top of my list. My urban planning sensibilities put Africa or South America as places to get some international experience and exposure. Recently, NYC has been garnering some attention, with its fine institutions for graduate study. I love Toronto and have yet to uncover half of its surprises and find myself in perpetual amazement (sometimes confusion) of how this city operates, but I am of the strong belief that my love for Toronto would probably increase if it was place I made a return to. Like the song goes… I think I need a change of scenery.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

can we... a reprise.

can we
go back to yesterday…
stand still in time
as we stood still in line
can we be olympians
in competitions
of watch throwing
and cell-phone heaving
two-thirds of a triathlon
where endurance
reigns supreme
see, supreme is that feeling
i get
leading up to
time spent
the one activity I long to be frivolous with
with no accounting
for credit
i give you credit
curriculum based on
and the physics of
hand to waist
and head to chest
the best (faculty of) math
we can be.
can we.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


its hard to stay current
and not get caught...
caught up in the
daily relay of
he say she say
or staying on pace
with the joneses
and the jetsons
or even the cashflow
so that burberry stetson
can be a possession
its hard
not to get caught
in currents that flow
to the ocean
of emotion and
they roasting you
when all you want
is a toast to you
but that slice of life
is hard to come by
when friends dont stop by
and you don't call back
or fall flat on blogging
by logging hours
on the boulevard
its soooo hard
to be relevant
and heaven sent
in every moment

Monday, June 18, 2007

thinker's traffic

concrete cousin
to writer's block
where thoughts jam
like rush hour
have me scribblin
and scratchin
sidepacking and drifting
pedestrian movement
my movement
like this ink
is stagnant
both might not
make it to the page
lost amidst physiotherapy
and finding
motivational pastries
baked goods
instead of baked bad
searching for anything
because anything
to get the switch on
is a welcome change of
examinations of self
seem like foreign exchanges
with no forecast for a change
in the rate of interest
at the intersection
of economic & chemistry
thinker's traffic is the litmus
of supply & demand
of potential
to go from project to prospect
conflict to conquest
steps to investments
in infrastructure
from more
avenues of contact with her
to freeways built for specific destinations...
some respiration from the congestion

Sunday, June 3, 2007

coronations & convocations

i originally hated on his game 5 performance.

poor coaching by Detroit. lack of interior (and perimeter) defense. were among my excuses for basically doing what he did.
but then i took a step back and put down the haterade and actually took in what he did.
29 of his team's last 30, the last 25 points. only player on his team to score in both OTs.

i accept my sentence. unjustful hate.

so on the eve of the most anticipated finals debut EVER.
around the same time when most 22 year olds are walking across the stage getting their paper. the boy who would & could become king, gets his gown ready.

we could be witness to greatness not seen and desperately longed for since the mid 90's.

all that said, spurs in 6.

Friday, May 25, 2007


wheels spinning
with the aftertaste
of rubber
poetry in no motion
is just a poor use of trees
and i've been idling
for more than 3 minutes
180 seconds
but wishing for
180 degrees
from here
but midtown traffic
in 30 plus temperatures
has me feeling sticky
and stationary
with my stationery
looking for a park bridge
and a edge to rest on
catch up on my psalms
find growth
in proverbs
find relief
in verb usage
action words
to get me out of
an actionless third
this is the
fourth quarter
where eating rubber is
no longer an option
and one can't slouch
if they believe
in collar poppin

Monday, May 21, 2007

second childhood or...

things i did 15-20 years ago that i still may do today...

- watch alvin & the chipmunks
- sit in the first car of the subway
- avoid walking over vents downtown
- wearily wonder about the infamous third rail at subway stops
- perk my ears at the sounds of an ice cream truck 'ICE CREAM MAAAANNN!'
- get disoriented at union subway station
- partial aversion to playing cricket (behind the wicket)
- intentionally make myself dizzy upon the completion of ice cream sandwich
- world famous oatmeal cookie ice cream sandwiches.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i left my heart in montreal...

its funny, only when you visit other places do you realize how good/bad you have it at home.

this entry is dedicated to one bad thing t-dot suffers from(among many according to some). a signature food / dish.

chicago - deep dish pizza
philadelphia - cheese steak sammich
montreal - smoked meat sammich, poutine.

toronto has no real dish to hang their hat on. granted you can be told of great places to get dim sum, sushi, roti, penne, gelato and souvlaki, none of these foods are native or infamous to the 416.

all this is stemmed from the last week i spent in montreal, taste-buds need not rest there. baguettes, poutine, bagels, smoked meat, maple butter. the freshness, the smells, the options. endless and utterly enjoyable.

George Bernard Shaw didn't lie when he said there is no sincerer love than the love of food.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

real people

real people
walk these streets
dodge misstep
and halfstep
from stoop to sidewalk
stairwell to subway
st. joseph to st. denis
and ask for forgiveness
at st. patrick
a foreigner with potential
row houses and residential
state of mind
while away from home
real people dealing with
real congestion
and needs for real protection
still i could really
see myself living here
caught in thought on the metro
from place d'armes to beaubien
politic on a pedestrian tip
and leave a tip for the friendly service
real people

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

summer of the street

Yesterday i spent most of the day walking up and down yonge street.
Call me crazy but i think yonge doesn't get spoken about too much when discussing the livelihood of streets in toronto. Sure yonge street has a festival, but i personally think the festival takes away from the essence of the street and to be frank is a lousy attempt at a street festival (see 'the danforth', 'montreal jazz festival' for proof).

College, queen, bloor, dundas, spadina, get alot of press and love from us twenty-somethings.
anything north of bloor is irrelevant, because there is usually a cooler equivalent south of bloor.

But yeah, yesterday, walking yonge street north of bloor, there's alot going on, its a busy street aside from the north - south traffic. Solid range of businesses, buildings of mixed usage (sounds like i'm doing a commercial strips assessment), a good mix of old and new architecture. This ranges from bloor almost up to lawrence. Like i've been told in class time and time again, streets and street scaping are important, they lay the foundation for the vitality of an area. Streets should be more than a mean of travel, they should be a destination, a place to hang out, shop, sit, relax, be seen.

With the Death and Life of Great American Cities and Great Streets on my reading list, this could very well be for me a summer of the street. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

my west toronto

west of bathurst.south of eglinton.north of college.east of jane.

My early years were bounded by those areas. With no family car or driver in the first 11 years of my life, public transit and walking was the mode of transportation. Some years later public transit and walking are the style again. This time around I have a greater appreciation for the row houses, corner stores that are located on actual corners and not within plazas, streets lined with fruit markets, patios, fabric stores and various other shops. These were my first impressions of commerce, of community, of the city. This isn’t a rant about the end of suburbia, because for all its publicized ills, there are many positives. But this isn’t about suburbia, this is about the area I was bounded, or rather, allowed to grow in.

In my limiting definition its west toronto, my west toronto. A place once referred to as home.

A place that gives me a smile when I’m on a streetcar or a bus and see signs for pistachio gelato or boneless goat roti. A place that make me reminisce when I see kids on bikes, skateboards and on foot darting in and out of back laneways in games of tag. A place that when what starts out as a private conversation becomes a public forum as strolling neighbours stop to listen and engage.

These things are not exclusive to my west toronto, but for me, this is where they began. I learned my earliest lessons in life in west toronto, so it comes as no surprise to me that i find myself revisiting these places and spaces. west of bathurst. south of eglinton. north of college. east of jane. my west toronto.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

the sbs...

numerous hours get spent on youtube watching videos.
specifically hip hop videos that stations i don't watch wouldn't play.
so after months of unofficial searching i'm bestowing a couple of awards.

best outro to a video
the roots - you got me

the beat change at the 3:29 combined with the theme of the video. there's a reason why they got a grammy for this joint.

best video i didn't know there was a video for (best = most amusing)
craig mack - making moves with puff

the historical context and visual comedy of puff and craig mack sharing a screen is best displayed here.

to be continued...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

so sometimes...

immense is the best way to begin
and immense is the only way to end
immensely addicted
immensely in need of rehab
12 step program, stumbling off smirnoff
in a midtown daze
its the midtown days that sting the most
waking up alone and slowing fading
back to black
but in the fade is the beauty
that only me and mr jones
can comprehend
while we attempt to comprehend
how ignorance reigns supreme
and drapes itself in holy cloth
a wolf in sheepskin, cus wool is out of season
and some people are still dreaming
and get caught believing
see, he can only hold her in dream stances
the chance of victory in some unholy war
is like catching the quarter past four home
while stuck in traffic
with a driver who speaks broken english
you know im no good at being on time
or in rhythm
hence why i stopped spitting
and started speaking
started reaching for the
just friends stones
amy said tears dry on their own
assuming they have a place to fall
cus there nothing here
and there's nothing there.
bear with me i lost my pass
so i will have to make change
for the fare
i could walk but right now
its easier to sit and stare
at immense spaces
in immense places


Monday, March 26, 2007


on the corner they stood looking at their former hood...
threw their spirits in the wind, knew their crib was gone for good.

Monday, March 12, 2007

the new 20s

the new 20s
more than just 87 babies...
the new 20s are coming soon.
the new 20s are here.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

where i'm at.

in between disc1 and disc2 of godfather2
transcending daylight savings time,
listening to (on repeat) melancholy amy winehouse on 5 semitones pitch range (that's fast for those not in the know),
being unemployed, unamused and being frustrated at the aforementioned
watching my laptop receive its weekly virus scan
thinking about how canadian sensibilities won out... again.
prepping for the madness of march (and the ncaa's)
and engaging in the following...


its been a good night...

Thursday, March 8, 2007


route 32 lazily drives by...
skyline offset by
upper canada foreground
at postcards
anonymous in origin
and delivery
in transition
i shift the bottle from
left to right
only to find comfort
in left again
and strain to see
what's left again
a dollar can go
a long way
at this
in between
valentine's daze
and summer
this moment
was worthy
of a song
but a harmony
was all
i could muster
slightly off key
find my way
middle of street

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

life as told by the yonge line...

born on dundas
schooled at college
fell in love at wellesley
love lost at bloor
a glimpse of hope spotted soutbound
while new light entered from the west
rosedale, summerhill
adrift on moments of bliss
reality set in at st. clair
at davisville
i didnt feel like walkin home
so love did
contemplative i
exit at eglinton

Friday, January 26, 2007


when demands exceeds capacity
resources become scarce
and congestion sets in
it hits like the 515 northbound
and leaves me in dire need of nyquil
can't sleep, sit or stand still
no room to breathe
and nothing to feed on
left with my notebook and some psalms
scriptutes to cope with this mixture of feelings
distilled but with its impurities
congestion has me looking for
structure within structures
reasoning for my reasons
i'm running from silence
on the search for solitude
trying to find it riding shotgun
in midtown cab rides
or on subway platforms
minutes past 5 in the morning
keeping rhythm to marvin
starvin to find what's goin on
the ecology and the chemistry don't lie
things ain't what they used to be
children leave home, prices rise
and leaves fall
in the middle of it all
is me stuck at the junction
tape deck with no forward
or reverse function

Thursday, January 11, 2007

bolivian boxing...

straight.raw.uncut.bolivian yayo.
life sometimes needs to be like that.
and sometimes that's how you need
to have things exposed to you.
and those things may not be pretty.
one can only bob and weave for so long.
til you get caught in the chin.
and when that happens...
pray you got a good cutman in your corner.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


some random cat once said "When you're at the edge of a cliff, sometimes progress is a step backwards."
that being said, i wanted to drop something new up on beyondcitylimits...
but things weren't clicking tonite.
so im stepping back, blowing the dust off off something i revisited recently...
with the hopes of possibly getting it right next time around.

i cheographed seven steps to she
but couldn't score the we
lost the syncopation in breaths
form 4/4 time to 'not this time;
I dream to relapse into thoughts
that laid me to sleep...
but you can't be with me tonight
cus its a fight to forget you
and what this could have been
imagine the spin i could have put
on the poem
lost love, gained
love interrupted, then maintained.
so now we use restraint
cause steps into the name of love
is a name we can't use for this
left choregraphing three steps
into nothingness
with us crossed off the list
with the quickness
contrary to how this developed
feeling from far
and moved in to inspect
a chance to lease love
you didnt know my name and
i didn't know game
so i wasn't playin when i said
diggin you was i
me and you should try
but time flies like opportunity
and one day i can cash
these air miles in for unity
for now i flip the dance chart
back to start